Our maritime and admiralty attorneys offer exceptional experience and excellent value for a broad range of maritime, 联运, 航运运输相关事项, 包括商业交易, 诉讼, 调解及仲裁. 我们的客户包括海运码头, 船厂, 海洋建筑公司, 多式联运底盘操作员, 集装箱船航线, 多式联运仓储公司, 州交通机构和众多滨水相关企业. 我们的律师代表P&我的俱乐部, 工人, 海上保安员, 一个机场, A船用电梯制造商, 拖船和驳船经营人, 桥梁运营市政当局, 商业捕鱼船队经营者及协会, 还有休闲划船者. 在其他法律问题中, 我们的海事和海事律师处理的交易和案件涉及:
- 提单
- 货物
- 特许协议
- 碰撞、碰撞和其他导航问题
- 商业捕鱼许可,法规和配额诉讼
- 运货马车运送合同
- 环境问题和遵守-刑事和民事
- 海岸和港口工人赔偿
- 船舶融资
- 海洋的关税
- 人身伤害
- 河岸权
- 打捞
- 代位权
- 美国海岸警卫队调查和许可
- 扣押船只及文件
- 湿地法规
Some of our attorneys have diverse maritime backgrounds before entering private practice including working in the Admiralty Division of the at the U.S. 为美国海军提供海事和海事法律咨询的海军军法总部.S. 由550艘舰船和潜艇组成的海军舰队在世界各地活动, 持有船长执照(50吨动力和风帆), and crewing with a local tug company steaming the Atlantic Coast and the 切萨皮克 Bay.
我们参加全国, 区域, and local maritime associations including the Maritime Law Association of the United States, 东南海军部法律研究所, 弗吉尼亚海事协会, 汉普顿路全球商业理事会, 北卡罗来纳州渔业协会, 还有诺福克螺旋桨俱乐部. Our connections and legal experience help provide nimble and thorough resolutions to the varied legal needs of our extraordinary maritime and transportation community in Hampton Roads and worldwide.
Successfully represented international ship lines in demurrage and detention 诉讼 involving the Ocean Shipping Reform Act and the Uniform Intermodal Interchange Agreement.
Successfully represented private custom boat yard in multi-million dollar marine insurance and allision 诉讼 in Caribbean.
Successfully represented private marine railway in historic presidential yacht preservation 诉讼.
Successfully represented private shipyard in multi-million dollar 905(b) wrongful death 诉讼.
Successfully represented public marine terminal in several multi-million dollar personal injury liability actions involving the cross roads of state common law and federal and state worker’s compensation jurisdictions.
Successfully represented public marine terminal in multi-million dollar railway operation claim.
Successfully represented public marine terminal in cargo 诉讼 involving COGSA and Carmack Amendment.
Successfully represented international marine construction company in multiple Jones Act, 沿岸, and 维吉尼亚州 工人的补偿 claims over a six-year bridge construction project.
Successfully represented marine terminal drayage company in several multi-million dollar personal injury actions.
Successfully represented commercial fishing association in several actions involving the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Successfully represented commercial fisherman in retainage of exclusive fishing permit
Successfully represented marine engineering and transportation company in multiple marine towing and maritime contract negotiations involving public and private marine terminals and marine terminal operators along the East Coast and throughout the Caribbean.
Successfully represented marine dredging company for maintenance and cure and Jones Act matters.
Represented family business owners of a 7 acre parcel valued at $6 million on the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, 一个邻居用26艘船的漂浮垃圾场堵塞了水路. Forced the neighbor to remove the junkyard by prosecuting a federal court action eliminating interference with client’s riparian property rights. 307 Campostella, LLC v. 盖年代. 穆兰,民事诉讼号. 2:15 - cv - 224 (E.D. Va. 2016).
代表拥有约克镇科尔曼桥的政府实体, 维吉尼亚州, 一艘大型拖船在半夜里撞上了桥. 当和解谈判失败时, 向联邦法院提起海事和海事诉讼.赔偿桥主200万. VDOT v. 托格·罗伯特·伯顿,2012 amc 2230 (e).D. Va. 2012).
Represented governmental entity that owns the Chincoteague Bridge against a $10 million claim brought by shell fishermen who alleged that construction of the bridge destroyed their shellfish beds. The vessel operator building the bridge filed a federal court action under the federal Limitation of Liability Act. The case was resolved on favorable terms following 18 months' 诉讼 in the U.S. 区域法院及U.S. 第四巡回上诉法院. 美国桥5. 詹姆斯·杨,民事诉讼号. 36 - cv - 316 (E.D. Va. (2008),上诉已提起,第. 09-1458(第4期. 2009).
Persuaded the USCG to reverse the denial it had issued for a client’s renewal of a Merchant Mariner Credential
说服你.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rescind the permit granted (under the Rivers and Harbors Act) authorizing a maritime firm to install a 600’ mooring system in the middle of a waterbody. The proposed mooring system interfered with vessel operations at our client’s waterfront property and would have driven our client’s enterprise out of business. 然后, 我们说服弗吉尼亚海洋澳门亚洲博彩平台排名委员会反对这个项目, which caused the maritime builder of the mooring system to withdraw its application and abandon the project. (2015)
Assisted domestic commercial lender in perfecting financing lien at port of embarkation for heavy equipment that U.S. 在芬兰购买的借款人.